Creating segment tabs in Ionic


Having multiple segments on one page, show large datasets in Ionic

10 Mar, 2021 ยท 3 min read

Segments, we see them everywhere. For example, the Twitter app Notification tab has two segments (All/Mentions).

Today I'll be showing you how you can create this in your Ionic app.

It will look like this:

Ionic segmented tabs

Adding the segment tabs to an Ionic app

Let's start from out Ionic starter again. You can find the code on GitHub.

We will add the segment on the

<ion-header [translucent]="true">
    <ion-title> Tab 1 </ion-title>
    <ion-segment [(ngModel)]="type">
      <ion-segment-button value="all">
      <ion-segment-button value="mentions">

In our header, we add a second toolbar. The second toolbar will show up below the title page and include two segments. These segments are linked to the ngModel (type), with which we'll show the correct content.

For now, we get the following result:

Ionic segment tabs

That's pretty cool, but it doesn't do anything yet. Let's open up the and add some technical functionality.

export class Tab1Page {
  type: string = 'all';

We set the type variable to "all" initially, with switching between the segments, the type variable will be changed.

Now we can head back to our and add some content sections.

<ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
  <ng-container [ngSwitch]="type">
    <ion-list *ngSwitchCase="'all'">
      <ion-item>Nathan liked your message</ion-item>
      <ion-item>Hashnode retweeted yuor article</ion-item>
      <ion-item>Marcus liked a message you're mentioned in</ion-item>
    <ion-list *ngSwitchCase="'mentions'">
      <ion-item>Paul mentioned you in this article</ion-item>
      <ion-item>Adrian mentioned you in a comment</ion-item>

This will switch the type, making use of a container. The container is not rendered, so ideal for making switch cases like this.

Inside we have two ion-lists that show the respective items. And that's it. We now have a segmented page which is super useful to show large datasets.

You can find today's code on GitHub.

Thank you for reading, and let's connect!

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