Today I wanted to show you a cool feature I only recently discovered, and it's in Google Sheets!
You're not always working in programming languages; sometimes, a simple excel formula can do things quicker.
I often use Excel for quick replacing/searching/comparing, etc.
Today we are looking at translating strings in Google Sheets!
Translate a String in Google Sheets!
So we'll build a multi-column setup; in column 'A', we will have our input words in English. Then in B', we will translate these into Dutch. In
C, we'll translate to Spanish, in
D, to German, and in
E` to Arabic.
So in Google Sheets, Google added the formula GOOGLETRANSLATE
. It looks like this:
=GOOGLETRANSLATE(cell with text, “source language”, “target language”)
So here is the list of formulas;
You can find these two-letter abbreviations on the following page ISO Codes
You can also find an example from my sheet here:
Thank you for reading, and let's connect!
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