Yesterday we had a look at how you can insert an element before another element.
And today, we'll be looking at the after function to insert elements after another element.
Insert an element after another element
Let's start with an existing element with a unique ID.
<div id="existing">I'm an existing element</div>
Let's select this element using its ID in JavaScript.
const el = document.getElementById('existing');
And now we can create a new element using the JavaScript createElement function.
const p = document.createElement('p');
p.textContent = `Hi I'm new here`;
// Insert before the after element
And just like the before function, we can use a simple one-liner to change the text of this after insert.
// Insert element and text
el.after(span, "I'm a new span");
You can view this code on Codepen.
See the Pen JavaScript insert newly created element after another element by Chris Bongers ๐ค๐ปโก๏ธ (@dailydevtips1) on CodePen.
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