The other day we learned how to create a new element with JavaScript. And in this article, I'll show you how you can insert it before another element.
As a recap, we can create an element using the createElement
Insert an element before another element
First, we have to make a sample element we can target in JavaScript.
<div id="existing">I'm an existing element</div>
Now we can select this element based on its ID.
const el = document.getElementById('existing');
And now, let's create a paragraph element and add it before this one.
const p = document.createElement('p');
p.textContent = `Hi I'm new here`;
// Insert before the existing element
There is also the option to create these new elements on the fly, passing an element and text in one go.
// Insert element and text
el.before(span, "I'm a new span");
You can view this code on Codepen.
See the Pen JavaScript insert newly created element before another element by Chris Bongers ๐ค๐ปโก๏ธ (@dailydevtips1) on CodePen.
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