JavaScript string repeat


Repeating string is super easy in Vanilla JavaScript these days, learn how!

10 Jan, 2021 ยท 1 min read

Did you know JavaScript comes with a handy repeat() function?

It allows us to repeat a string an x number of times.

This used to be a tedious process using loops or while arrays.

Now we can call repeat() on a string.

Making use of JavaScript string.repeat()

As mentioned, you can call this function on a string, and it will repeat it an x number of times.

This x is the only argument it takes.

// 'twotwo'

This makes it far clearer for the code to state a string is repeated two times.

Old-school, you might have found yourself doing something like this.

let output = '';
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
  output += 'two';

As you can see a more tedious process. (There are some alternatives, but nothing as simple as calling repeat()).

Browser support

The browser support for the string.repeat is pretty good. Only IE can't deal with it.

String repeat browser support

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