Making a post slider in Eleventy with Tailwind


Using Tailwind CSS to make a horizontal slider for our posts.

26 Jan, 2021 ยท 3 min read

We finished the blog newsletter layout using Tailwind grid. Today we will be focussing on making the slider part.

This will essentially be a list with blog articles in it. You can then horizontally scroll through this list.

We won't be adding the next/previous button at this stage. Perhaps we will do that in the finishing touch session.

The result will look similar to the design:

Lifestyle blog post slider

Note: We won't be doing the visible section at the end since we are working with offset grids.

Defining the structure

It should function as a list since that will be the correct markup to use in this case.

Let's change our blog template to use a new post-slider instead of the post-list.

Create the post-slider.njk file inside the src/_includes/partials/components folder.

Then link this file in the blog.njk file:

<div class="container m-auto">
  {% include "partials/components/post-slider.njk" %}

Then we can modify this post-slider.njk and define our necessary checks if the data exists.

{% if postListItems.length %}
  {% for item in postListItems %}
    <!-- ITEM HERE -->
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

This is still much like the post-list we had before, so let's make some changes to render the articles correctly.

We will first focus on styling the list items.

<li class="mr-6 w-72 h-96">
    href="{{ item.url }}"
    title="{{ }}"
    class="relative flex justify-center w-full h-full align-center"
      class="object-cover w-full h-full"

This will create the rectangle list item where the whole element is clickable. Inside of that, we have the image.

This looks like this:

Tailwind card like layout

That looks like the correct size. Let's add the inner content, which consists of:

  • The category
  • The title with an underline
  • A button with an arrow on the right
<li class="mr-6 w-72 h-96">
    href="{{ item.url }}"
    title="{{ }}"
    class="relative flex justify-center w-full h-full align-center"
      class="object-cover w-full h-full"
      class="absolute flex flex-col justify-center w-1/2 transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 left-1/2 h-1/2"
      <p class="mb-2 text-purple">To do</p>
        class="w-full mb-4 text-3xl font-bold border-b-2 text-purple border-purple"
        This is {{ }}
      <button class="flex justify-between text-xs text-purple font-small">
        Read more <i>&#8594;</i>

Since we want this box to be on top of the image, we make it absolute. Then we make sure it's 50% of the element's width and height, center it using the left/top, and translate offset values.

For the button, we use flexbox to add space between the text and the arrow icon.

The result is now:

Tailwind card content

Pretty solid effort, only they are still showing under each other. How can we now make them flow horizontally?

<ul class="flex mt-24 mb-24 overflow-x-auto overflow-y-visible"></ul>

We add flex to the <ul> element and add overflow-x-auto and overflow-y-visible so that we can scroll through them.

However, when we now render, we get this result:

Horizontal card list in Tailwind

Almost there! But somehow, our cards are being squished inside the ul. So if we add more, the cards get smaller like this:

Compressing elements

Let's add the following classes to our <li> element to fix this.

<li class="flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 ..."></li>

Tailwind scrollable cards

That looks cool!

You can find today's code on GitHub.

Thank you for reading, and let's connect!

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