Today we'll be exploring a design principle called DRY
it stands for Don't Repeat Yourself
. Of course, a pretty obvious one, meaning you shouldn't type code more than once.
The principle states: "Every piece of logic must have a single unambiguous representation within a system".
Of course, we see fewer and fewer reused codes with the upcoming component-based frameworks.
DRY Examples
I will demonstrate some simple use-cases, but they should give you a good understanding of what DRY means.
const foods = ['๐ง', '๐ถ', '๐'];
const animals = ['๐ฆ', '๐', '๐'];
revFoods = foods.reverse();
revAnimals = animals.reverse();
This is only a very simple function, but this can be converted to a DRY part:
const foods = ['๐ง', '๐ถ', '๐'];
const animals = ['๐ฆ', '๐', '๐'];
let reverse = (input) => {
return input.reverse();
revFoods = reverse(foods);
revAnimals = reverse(animals);
Why would you do this? Think of this code as a little bit more complicated, a full sorting function, and suddenly, the sorting key changes. You now have to make changes twice instead of doing it once.
Another good example is validations; this is where I personally fail sometimes.
class Validator {
public function validate(array $post)
if(!isset($post['title']) {
throw new \Exception('validation failed, no title set');
if(!isset($post['date']) {
throw new \Exception('validation failed, no date set');
if(!isset($post['description']) {
throw new \Exception('validation failed, no description set');
While it's not specifically a violation, we could enhance this and make our lives easier if that exception ever changes.
class Validator {
private $validateAttributes = [
public function validate(array $post)
foreach ($this->validateAttributes as $attribute) {
if (!isset($post[$attribute])) {
throw new \Exception('validation failed, no '.$attribute.' set');
There you go. I hope you learned something about not repeating yourself in code.
I am looking forward to hearing what kind of things you do that you could optimize?
Thank you for reading, and let's connect!
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